Our Mission
Blake Middle School believes in a living mission statement, based on the concept that our community seeks and respects knowledge, integrity, character, wisdom, and the willingness to adapt to a continually evolving world.
Guiding Questions:
Will you account for the goals of the community?
Will you learn to recognize the indicators of a strong, positive character?
Will you know how it feels when you do the right thing?
Will you know how to emulate the admirable traits of your peers?
Will you know how to be the peer your peers choose to emulate?
Mobile Learning
Overview of Blake’s Technology Implementation
In conjunction with our increased implementation of mobile devices in our schools, we are committed to making thoughtful, informed decisions and using our guiding compass throughout has been to employ educational technology tools that meet the varied needs of all of our students, enhance student learning and the educational experience, and foster the professional growth of our staff. Our hope is to foster students’ executive functioning skills and growth, complex communication, creativity, critical thinking, and opportunities to collaborate with one another.
Mobile Learning Initiative Background
A significant element of our work has been the implementation of a uniform, school-wide platform of mobile devices in the classrooms. In many school districts, the iPad has become a preferred educational tool for a wide variety of reasons: flexibility, portability, and engagement, to name a few. Many possibilities exist for integration with online and cloud-based tools such as slideshows, podcasts, whiteboards, videos, and e-books. The iPad offers specific apps like Explain Everything, Garageband, iMovie, and Notability that also allow for Universal Design for Learning. The iPad's multi-media functionality provides the forum for students to interface with text, images, and videos, as well as the vehicle for teachers to differentiate their instruction for all learners while also utilizing cross-disciplinary tools for executive functioning support.
During the 2012-2013 academic year, we explored the potential benefit of these devices by having the 8th Grade Stars cluster participate in a yearlong pilot program. The pilot study was implemented to allow our teachers and staff to thoughtfully implement and review the effectiveness of the iPads, while assessing their feasibility and impact on a smaller scale before any full-scale changes are put in place. After a successful pilot, we expanded the implementation of a 1:1 iPad program for the entire 8th grade for the 2013-2014 academic year, with students purchasing their own iPads or taking part in a 'Lease to Own' program through the school. To give us some comparision with tablet devices, we were fortunate to also explore the potential benefit of Google's Nexus 10 tablets with our 6th grade Koalas cluster of students and teachers in a yearlong pilot program that same year.
The feedback we gained from these pilots served as a critical factor for both the school and district's future implementation and direction we will take with technology. We established the following as benchmarks or evaluative measures for determining the efficacy of the pilots/initiatives and the devices: organization, access to presentation and learning tools, collaboration in and out of the classroom, communication between student and teacher, and the fluid adaptation with new ways to ‘learn and do’. Through classroom observations, professional development, informal and formal feedback from parents and students, and staff input, we were able to determine that the iPad Initiative was highly effective and worth continuing our collective work with iPads for the 2014-2015 academic year for our all students (6th-8th grade) at Blake Middle School.
We have continued our assessment cycle of the initiative and are planning our work for the 2015-2016 academic year as we build upon the foundation that has been laid with our 1:1 iPad program for all students. Please refer to our Participation Options for details. We are committed to providing an equitable learning experience for our students and appreciate the shared commitment and investment in the education of our students.
While these technological advances have offered many potential benefits to our curriculum and education here at Blake, at the heart of our work we have remained mindful that they do not 'replace' or serve as a substitute for excellent teaching. Our goal and efforts have been centered around the belief that they serve as a vehicle to enhance the practices that have been in place. A key component of our work with all of our students has been our Digital Citizenry curricula - the modeling of the responsible use and implementation of technology, always keeping in mind the ethical and safety issues that are inherent in these endeavors. Students have also followed the same curriculum frameworks and common core Blake curricula.
To assure and maintain classroom consistency and device management, and stay true to the guiding principles of our pilot program, we are currently not permitting students to bring other mobile devices (non-iPads) into Blake Middle School. At this point in the educational landscape for schools, it is our belief is that the iPad is the preferred device to maximize the benefits of learning, creativity, and curricular integration for our students and staff. We are excited about this opportunity and look forward to sharing our findings, progress, and developments. - Principal, Nat Vaughn

2019-2020 School Year
This 2017-28 school year starts the second year of the full 1:1 iPad implementation for our entire school (grades 6-8). Our district is also in the second year in being a Google Apps for Education (GAFE) school district. Watch the video to learn how Blake is integrating and transforming learning with the iPad and GAFE from our own special educator, Michael Heafitz.


Device Information
Who will be using the iPads?
All students at Blake Middle School (6th-8th grade) will be using iPads for the mobile learning program. We have outlined the 2015-2016 Participation Options (Lease-to-Own, Bring an iPad from home, Borrow) for Blake students for this program. We are committed to providing an equitable learning experience for our students and appreciate the shared commitment and investment in the education of our students. As such we have a system in place for families with demonstrated financial need.
What iPads are acceptable?
The 'minimum specifications' will still remain as the iPad 2, meaning the following are acceptable devices for students to use: iPad2, iPad Mini, iPad4 and the iPad Air. Although the iPad 2 is no longer manufactured by Apple, it will suffice for the students' needs in school as long as Apple continues to update the OS (operating system) on that device. If your family intends to purchase a new device this year, then the iPad4, iPad Mini or iPad Air are the recommended devices.
What if I am unable to provide, lease, or purchase an iPad for my student?
If a student is unable to participate by purchasing a device, using a leased iPad, or bringing a device from home, the District will allow the student to borrow a District-owned iPad. See the Blake Mobile Learning Participation Options 15-16 for more information.
We are committed to providing an equitable learning experience for our students and have a system in place for families with demonstrated financial need. Families with this concern should contact Nat Vaughn (nvaughn@email.medfield.net) directly.
What case should be purchased for the iPad?
This is a family and personal decision. We will continue to provide information regarding options for families to purchase. Three websites that we have found to be useful, as they detail the various covers, rates them, and describes why covers are needed, are:
STM Dux Case (Recommended by Apple)
Why an iPad?
The iPad has become a preferred educational tool for a wide variety of reasons: flexibility, portability, and engagement, to name a few. Many possibilities exist for integration with online and cloud-based tools such as slideshows, podcasts, whiteboards, videos, and e-books. The app selection and opportunities that exist for students with the iPad make it a preferred device. The iPad’s multi-media functionality provides the forum for students to interface with text, images, and videos, as well as the vehicle for teachers to differentiate their instruction for all learners while also utilizing cross-disciplinary tools for executive functioning support. We have found that the iPad helps to establish opportunities for students to research, organize, create content, brainstorm, write, collaborate, create audio, present material, and produce screencasts and videos.
Why an iPad vs laptop or other tablet?
Throughout our work with the pilots and initiative, along with the research we have done, we have found that the iPad offers the following advantages: portability, flexibility, start-up time, screencasting, app selections, capabilities/potential for creation, camera/video features, and battery life.
When will students receive their iPads?
Students who will be bringing in their own iPads from home may purchase them at any time. The current plan is for students who will be taking part in the district’s ‘Lease to Own’ program to receive their iPads during the summer of 2015. Those students involved in the ‘Lease to Own’ program will be required to attend one of the information sessions at Blake Middle School scheduled for Aug 25 and Aug. 27. All ‘sign-off’ and ‘release forms’ must be turned in before iPads are received. Please refer to this email from Mr. Vaughn.
May Students in the 6th-8th grade opt out of using an iPad?
Our hope is that all students in sixth-eighth grade will participate in the program so that we can have a comprehensive understanding of how they impact student learning. For those families not interested in purchasing an iPad, we do have a plan to support and further their education so that access to the program is in place. Research has shown that students who own their own device and have access to it 24/7 are more invested in their learning.
Will the school provide additional parent communication about the iPad?
Yes. In addition to the initial information sessions for both students and parents, we plan on holding parent training, parent feedback sessions, and providing updates throughout the year.
Will my child be bringing the iPad home?
Yes, we are encouraging students to use this tool as a personal learning device and as a bridge from school to home. All students and parents will need to sign a contract around appropriate use, care, and guidelines for the iPad. If you have concerns about your child bringing the iPad home, please contact Matt Marenghi, Tracy Allen, Kelly Campbell, or Nat Vaughn.
What is the cost of the apps?
Teachers will make every effort to use apps that are free. However, there are certain apps such as iMovie, Explain Everything, and Notability that are worth purchasing for students and staff. All apps that require a financial purchase will be provided by the district. This is also why we require students to use a non-credit card School Apple ID instead of a family/personal app.
Can students install their own apps?
Yes - this is a family decision, unless the student is borrowing an iPad from the district. Those students/families who borrow devices from the schools will have limited ability to download apps onto the device, and will not be allowed to add personal data, such as music or photos. We recommend that parents set up iPads with an iTunes account not linked to a credit card. Please see Parent Control Settings for information from Apple as a resource. We will be providing a list of apps that should be installed. If students/families have suggestions for apps, they can contact their teachers directly or e-mail ipadinitiative@email.medfield.net.
Where in school can it be used or not used? Where should students leave the iPads when at school?
The Blake administration and staff will clearly articulate where and when the iPad can be used, and where it is prohibited or ‘off limits’. Areas like the gymnasium, locker room, cafeteria, bathrooms, etc. will be ‘No-iPad’ areas. Students should have their iPads with them as they go to academic classes and can store them in their locked lockers when not needed.
What happens if an iPad gets broken, lost, or stolen?
We recommend that parents purchase Apple Care+ with any new iPad purchase to insure against accidental damage. The District will be responsible for maintaining and repairing iPads owned by the district. The cost of these repairs will be incurred by the families, and students/parents are responsible for any damage or loss that is due to negligence. We will be working hard to instill in our students a sense of ownership and responsibility for this tool. In general, our students have shown great responsibility with the ‘ownership and care’ of their devices.
How will the teachers address the inherent ‘distractions’ that the iPad may present in the classroom?
We are fully cognizant that we work with middle school students and will do our best to remain vigilant. Our teachers are very skilled at supervising students using our existing computer technology. Managing this technology is an ongoing challenge for middle school students, and it is important for us to teach them about responsible use. We will discuss ‘terms of use’ at our information sessions.
What security features are enabled on the iPad?
These settings will be configured or set up on a family basis. Families should contact their Internet service providers for directions about filters and security. When students are at school, our filters will be in place when they are accessing the network to comply with requirements of COPPA and CIPA. All school-owned devices will be remotely managed by the school department and access will be governed by the district’s firewall. Our continued goal is to educate students about responsible use and teach each student how to protect and preserve his/her iPad.
How will online safety and exposure to inappropriate content be addressed?
The Blake staff has shared concerns with parents regarding student safety online and in the ‘cyberworld’. We will need to continue teaching students to use technology and the Internet in a safe and responsible manner. We need to make sure that we, as adults, stay informed and current regarding existing risks, likelihood and consequences of risks, and the benefits/costs associated with the risks. Teachers will be teaching students about Digital Citizenship and Media Literacy to help students to best use technology in a responsible manner. These concepts should also be reinforced at home.
Will the Internet be filtered on student iPads?
The Internet will be filtered while the students are connected to the WiFi network of the Medfield Public Schools. However, devices will not have Internet filtering on them outside of the Medfield Public Schools network. Families should be mindful about 4G capability and connectivity when purchasing iPads. Students will not be permitted to use the 4G features when they are in school. Finding appropriate content will always be our goal, and limiting inappropriate content will always be a challenge. At school all Internet access through our wireless network infrastructure (WiFi) is filtered for inappropriate content. In all of these efforts, we also recognize that nothing is perfect. Communication between the school and families concerning any possible loopholes in the safety programs is critical.

Student/Parent/School Responsibilities
Will the school provide additional parent communication about the iPad?
Yes. In addition to the initial information sessions for both students and parents, we plan on holding parent training, parent feedback sessions, and providing updates throughout the year.
Will my child be bringing the iPad home?
Yes, we are encouraging students to use this tool as a personal learning device and as a bridge from school to home. All students and parents will need to sign a contract around appropriate use, care, and guidelines for the iPad. If you have concerns about your child bringing the iPad home, please contact Matt Marenghi, Tracy Allen, Kelly Campbell, or Nat Vaughn.
What is the cost of the apps?
Teachers will make every effort to use apps that are free. However, there are certain apps such as iMovie, Explain Everything, and Notability that are worth purchasing for students and staff. All apps that require a financial purchase will be provided by the district. This is also why we require students to use a non-credit card School Apple ID instead of a family/personal app.
Can students install their own apps?
Yes - this is a family decision, unless the student is borrowing an iPad from the district. Those students/families who borrow devices from the schools will have limited ability to download apps onto the device, and will not be allowed to add personal data, such as music or photos. We recommend that parents set up iPads with an iTunes account not linked to a credit card. Please see Parent Control Settings for information from Apple as a resource. We will be providing a list of apps that should be installed. If students/families have suggestions for apps, they can contact their teachers directly or e-mail ipadinitiative@email.medfield.net.
Where in school can it be used or not used? Where should students leave the iPads when at school?
The Blake administration and staff will clearly articulate where and when the iPad can be used, and where it is prohibited or ‘off limits’. Areas like the gymnasium, locker room, cafeteria, bathrooms, etc. will be ‘No-iPad’ areas. Students should have their iPads with them as they go to academic classes and can store them in their locked lockers when not needed.
What happens if an iPad gets broken, lost, or stolen?
We recommend that parents purchase Apple Care+ with any new iPad purchase to insure against accidental damage. The District will be responsible for maintaining and repairing iPads owned by the district. The cost of these repairs will be incurred by the families, and students/parents are responsible for any damage or loss that is due to negligence. We will be working hard to instill in our students a sense of ownership and responsibility for this tool. In general, our students have shown great responsibility with the ‘ownership and care’ of their devices.
How will the teachers address the inherent ‘distractions’ that the iPad may present in the classroom?
We are fully cognizant that we work with middle school students and will do our best to remain vigilant. Our teachers are very skilled at supervising students using our existing computer technology. Managing this technology is an ongoing challenge for middle school students, and it is important for us to teach them about responsible use. We will discuss ‘terms of use’ at our information sessions.
What security features are enabled on the iPad?
These settings will be configured or set up on a family basis. Families should contact their Internet service providers for directions about filters and security. When students are at school, our filters will be in place when they are accessing the network to comply with requirements of COPPA and CIPA. All school-owned devices will be remotely managed by the school department and access will be governed by the district’s firewall. Our continued goal is to educate students about responsible use and teach each student how to protect and preserve his/her iPad.
How will online safety and exposure to inappropriate content be addressed?
The Blake staff has shared concerns with parents regarding student safety online and in the ‘cyberworld’. We will need to continue teaching students to use technology and the Internet in a safe and responsible manner. We need to make sure that we, as adults, stay informed and current regarding existing risks, likelihood and consequences of risks, and the benefits/costs associated with the risks. Teachers will be teaching students about Digital Citizenship and Media Literacy to help students to best use technology in a responsible manner. These concepts should also be reinforced at home.
Will the Internet be filtered on student iPads?
The Internet will be filtered while the students are connected to the WiFi network of the Medfield Public Schools. However, devices will not have Internet filtering on them outside of the Medfield Public Schools network. Families should be mindful about 4G capability and connectivity when purchasing iPads. Students will not be permitted to use the 4G features when they are in school. Finding appropriate content will always be our goal, and limiting inappropriate content will always be a challenge. At school all Internet access through our wireless network infrastructure (WiFi) is filtered for inappropriate content. In all of these efforts, we also recognize that nothing is perfect. Communication between the school and families concerning any possible loopholes in the safety programs is critical.
Can we put personal media (music, books, videos, etc.) on the iPad?
Yes. However, families should consider the amount of memory that is used for personal music, books, and videos. It is important for students and families to be mindful of the ‘academic needs’ necessary for the iPad, rather than it solely being a personal media player. Those students/families who borrow devices from the schools will have limited ability to download apps onto the device, and will not be allowed to add personal data, such as music or photos.
Will the school set rules for use of the iPad at home?
We expect that families will observe the Blake guidelines regarding decency and treatment of others, as well as our guidelines for age-appropriate supervision of students. When in school, the district’s Acceptable Use Policy applies, and we will be asking all parents and students to sign off on the ‘Blake iPad Guidelines’.
Parents should continue to use the same strategies they have been using to keep students focused on their work at home. Parents may want to consider charging the iPad in their room overnight so students would not have access to it during the late evening hours.
When will the iPads be charged?
It is our expectation that the iPads will be charged every night when the students go home. If the iPads are fully charged, they should last throughout the school day. There are a few charging stations setup in the LMC, if needed.
What happens if my student forgets his/her iPad at home?
It is our hope and expectation that students will bring their iPads to school every day, but we do recognize that middle school students do forget their materials from time to time. Students/parents should respond in the same manner as if a textbook, binder, or project is left at home.

Am I required to have wireless Internet access at home for the iPad program?
No, but it will help with the overall student experience. (The iPad does not plug into a hard-wired Internet connection.) If students do not have Wi-Fi access at home, they can connect to the Internet at school or the public library. If students experience technology issues with their iPads at home, parents should write a note or email the teachers explaining the situation.
Will students still need laptop or desktop computers once they have iPads?
While the iPad should be able to handle many of the student’s technology needs, it will be used in conjunction with a laptop or desktop computer.
Will students be able to sync their iPads with their home computers or iPhones?
Yes, however this should be a family conversation. There is a great benefit to having the sync features in place, but this is a decision that should be made at the family level.
Are all textbooks available electronically?
Though some of the courses will be using e-texts, not all textbooks are currently online. We are evaluating our current textbooks and will make transitions to digital versions as they become available and meet our students’ needs. Some novels are available digital, and we are continually evaluating which titles we will support in digital format. Traditional textbooks will be sent home, both as resources and as traditional tools of learning. However, in many instances where digital versions are not available, our teachers will use supplements and ‘open sources’ that will allow students to use the iPads as their resources. We have made the commitment as a district through long range planning to make all of our resources accessible online.
Will students need iTunes accounts/Apple IDs to use with iPads?
Yes. All the apps that are downloaded will be tied into the students’ iTunes account/Apple ID. iTunes accounts should be non-credit card accounts. We recommend setting up a separate (non-credit card) Apple ID for your child using the school gmail account. Directions for setting this up will be distributed as we get closer to the start of the school year and will be available on the blog.
* Please refer to Mr. Vaughn's email for more info.
Apple IDs for Students Under 13 to Meet the Requirements of COPPA (Children’s Online Privacy and Protection Act):
Apple must obtain verifiable consent by a parent or guardian to our Privacy Policy and Parent Disclosure and Consent notice before an Apple ID can be created for a student under 13 years of age.
(see apple.com/privacy/parentaldisclosureconsent.pdf).
As part of the communications process with parents or guardians, your school district will assist Apple in ensuring consent is obtained from a student’s parent or guardian. Apple IDs are initally requested by the school district. Apple ID accounts are then created by the parent or guardian on behalf of the student when verifiable consent from a parent or guardian is received by Apple.
This program includes the following features:
Account settings, such as email address and date of birth, cannot be changed.
No credit card is attached to the account at setup.
Limit Ad Tracking is turned on for the account to ensure the student does not receive targeted advertising from Apple.
Students can’t opt-in to receive marketing materials.
A parent or guardian can be notified of any significant changes to the terms of the account
Account is jointly owned between parent and student. This gives parents some control and auditing capability.
Apple ID can follow students through school but should be specific to the user and not be a family account.
Check out the Apple's parent guide!
Will my student need an e-mail account for this program?
Yes. Medfield Public Schools is a Google Apps for Education District. This means we create and manage google accounts for all students and staff within our own domain. Students will be given their google account login information and email upon entering 6th grade and remain with the student until leaving Medfield.
Incoming 6th Grade
Class of 2022 - firstinitialmiddleinitiallastname2022@email.medfield.net
These accounts are being set up by our Director of Technology, Eoin O’Corcora, and they will not be finalized until the week of August 17, 2015.
Incoming 7th Grade
Class of 2021 - firstinitialmiddleinitiallastname2021@email.medfield.net
Incoming 8th Grade
Class of 2020 - firstinitiallastname2020@email.medfield.net
PW: At least 8 Characters. We suggest using the same password as your Apple ID which requires 8 characters + one capital letter + one #
(More information)
Should the built-in video camera, messaging, and Facetime application be enabled?
Students will need the camera enabled for use at school. The decision to enable Facetime and messaging is a family one, carefully considering each child on a case-by-case basis.

Evaluation, Questions, and Feedback
How will the school system be evaluating the program?
Surveys, meetings, and focus groups; student and parent feedback will also be analyzed carefully.
What is the plan for the following year?
We are thinking through our technology options as a school and district and our hope is that this program will help us to make informed and thoughtful decisions for our students and staff.
What if I have questions that are not answered here?
Please ask! We welcome your questions and understand that new technology brings forth much discussion: excitement, concern, optimism, and more questions. We can not think of everything and are truly open to constructive feedback. Please call us, or send an e-mail to ipadinitiative@email.medfield.net if you have questions or concerns.

What is the time frame for this program? Will my child be able to use the iPad at Medfield High School?
This iPad Initiative began in September of 2013 with 8th grade students, and we expanded it for all students (6th-8th grade) in 2014-2015. The district has invested in the infrastructure and committed to the use and support of 1:1 mobile learning with iPads for these students for their Medfield High School experience.
My child already has an iPad. Will he or she be able to use that one for this program?
Yes, contingent on the specifications of the iPad that is currently owned. If the iPad is a ‘family iPad’, it should be recognized that the intent of this program is for students to have a personal mobile device that will be utilized both at school and at home.
What training is and will be in place for teachers?
Professional development for our teachers is at the heart of this program. We have been working with EdTech Teacher (http://edtechteacher.org) and also have been relying on the expertise of our Technology Integration Specialists. This training pays forward with mentoring by current teachers as a part of the professional development for the future. On-going training for 6th-8th grade teachers has been taking place this year and will continue through the 2015-2016 academic year.
Will there be any ongoing training on how to use the iPad?
In addition to ‘in-class’ training/instruction for students, we plan on distributing training and tips throughout the year for families. These tips and other iPad information can be found on this blog. We also have plans in place for parent workshops.
Will students and staff be using the iPads every day?
The expectation for students is that they will have them in school and in class each and every day. As with all educational resources, there is not a one-size-fits-all approach, and the implementation will be balanced and purposeful. However, the iPad will be an integral learning tool over the course of the school day for the eighth grade students. The teachers are planning on having the students use their iPads as their ‘agendas’, and to develop organizational and time management skills across curricular areas, as well as a part of the core instruction and learning.