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Beyond Devices

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Digital Portfolios



coming soon

Hour of Code

coming soon

Design Your Learning Day

coming soon


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2019-2020 Mobile Learning @ Blake

Blake Middle School integrates technology using the  1:1 iPad model.  iPads will be provided to students unless families wish to supply their own iPad (BYO-iPad).   In those cases, the recommended iPad models are as follows with the minimum requirement: 

  • 64GB of storage or higher

  • able to operate iOS 11 and higher

 Mobile Device Management

Blake manages all school-owned iPads through the MDM or Mobile Device Management system for the main purpose of pushing out apps used for learning along with restrictions to disabling the function for students to install personal-use apps not used in learning.


For families providing their own iPads, they can choose a hybrid approach

to opting into the school-management to push out the apps needed for learning while still allowing for a family apple id for installing their own personal apps or choose to manage their own devices with a family Apple ID & being responsible for installing and maintaining the apps needed for school.


For more information, please visit the webiste below.



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Next school year, Blake is moving to a new mobile learning model with the incoming 6th grader transitioning to 1:1 Chromebook model. Chromebooks will be provided to every 6th grader.  


7th & 8th Graders will continue with the current iPad model. 




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